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Tajinder Dhami

I am a London based Artist working under the titles of Tajinder Dhami & Stanthers Ink. My work spans the forms of Animation, Micro-stages, Installation, Objects, and Drawings. My practice engages with exotic forms of transcendentalism and spirituality, exploring how these function and manifest through an artists practice.

I explore points of departure and the processes of seeking on a spiritual path encapsulated within the world. Naturally this involves navigating the earthly polarities to spiritual being, visible within divisionalism, and historical hegemonies. This latter point has evolved into an ongoing consideration of forms of colonization.

Working predominately with references to Animation techniques and processes, I play with its qualities of time, space, and movement, to render markers on this path. In all my works I attempt to encode residues of gesture, and fruitful seeds of flowering.

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