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Rachel Bungey

Examining our relationship to the natural world, I focus on concepts of animism, extinction, scale and temporality. I question how we can use modern technologies to restore our connection with nature by studying the entangled relationship we have with the non-human world and our ecology. Using hypermodern technology I construct hybrid animal anatomies that are extensions of those found in our natural world, for example, a 3D-modelled, CNC-cut sculpture comprising the bone of a whale jaw and a praying mantis arm. Our interconnected relationship with the digital world is a recurring element within my work, exploring new technologies such as 3D printing, 3D sculpting, AR, VR and robot arms. I also use painting and carving as a meditative part of my practice. Using my research on mimicry in nature to inspire abstract form, I am interested in whether this is able to create a feeling of interconnectedness between humans, nature and technology.

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