PRIVATE VIEW: 20th April, 6-9pm
We are pleased to announce the opening of Mat Collishaw’s All Things Fall at our Marylebone Gallery space. Please join us at the private view next Thursday.
Mat Collishaw is one of the most significant and compelling artists in contemporary British art. With an early foundation at Goldsmiths College, Collishaw formed part of the legendary movement of Young British Artists. He was one of 16 young artists who participated in the seminal Freeze exhibition organised by Damien Hirst in 1988 as well as the provocative Sensation show of 1997. The Bomb Factory Art Foundation show will feature two works that have never been exhibited before, Insilico (2023) and the Palantir (2022) series of 13 paintings. The large-scale zoetrope sculpture, All Things Fall (2014), will be shown in London for the first time. The Machine Zone (2019), inspired by the historic behavioural experiments of the psychologist B.F. Skinner, has previously been exhibited in the UK and internationally in Moscow & Dubai.
The selected works reflect on human perception distorted through the dark, manipulative lens of social media. Insilico’s robotic stag slips and falls in response to abusive posts on Twitter. Night vision images of animator predators and prey appear as ghost-like spectres in the Palantir paintings on raw linen. In The Machine Zone, animatronic pigeons re-enact the behavioural psychology experiments of B.F. Skinner. Finally, in the gripping and powerful All Things Fall, a Temple featuring the Massacre of the Innocents erupts into a delightful orgy of violence. Mat Collishaw’s world consumes and captivates. Throughout his 30-year career, the artist has contemplated the nature of the human subconscious and explored ways to influence it through various media.
Very much looking forward to seeing you all there! With special thanks to Hiscox Insurance, Adam Keenan Animatronics, Something and Nothing, and b-Hive technologies.
LOCATION: 206 Marylebone Road,
DATES: 20th April - 21st May
TIMES: Thurs - Fri, 12-7pm
Sat - Sun, 10-6pm
Also by appointment: